Foldables for Interactive Notebooks - How to Create Foldables for Interactive Notebooks. Step-by-step directions on how to fold paper for eleven different foldables that you can use in interactive notebooks.
Kids will love this Thanksgiving Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for a fun Thanksgiving activity:
turkey dinner
piece of pie
Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
Kids will love this Halloween Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for Halloween:
Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
Kids will love this Election Day Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for a fun Election Day activity:
Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
This resource is a helpful language activity for students with special needs, autism, or English language learners, because it helps build common everyday vocabulary and language with word picture cards. Students use the picture words to fill in the blanks of the story. Includes flash cards of all the picture words used for practice in fluency.
- Greg Smith
Kids will love this Veterans Day Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for a fun Veterans Day activity:
Air Force
Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
Kids will love this Christmas Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for a fun Thanksgiving activity:
Subject Verb Agreement practice and review. Students will have fun with the Jeopardy style PowerPoint game. Students play it similar to the game answering with the question. Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Students will enjoy reviewing some books in a quick book round. Directions:
Make enough copies of the book round to give to each student. Pass out books. You can divide the class into groups, or pass out enough books so that everyone has one. Tell students to preview the book they have. They should read the book flaps, look at pictures, read a few lines from each chapter, etc. Then they can fill out the form for their first impression of the book. I usually time it for five - ten minutes. When time is up, students pass the books they have to the next person, and the timer starts again. If you do short rounds, it will take about 30 minutes (25 plus transition time). If you do long rounds, plan to spend an hour. Students will enjoy checking out new books this way. - Greg Smith
All of my holiday write the room resources in one bundle! Includes Write the room activities for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Halloween, Election Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Ready made basic sight word flash cards for second grade. Just print, cut out, and laminate for durability. No pictures...just the words. Black and white, ink friendly. Good for acceleration in first grade and remediation in third grade, too. - Greg Smith
Magic E Wand and Cards Set. Students will have fun making CVCe words with these magic e wands! They will master the difference between short vowel and silent "e" spelling patterns in this activity.
Includes :
6 large magic e cards
20 large short vowel CVC word cards
12 small magic e cards
40 small short vowel CVC syllable cards
Teacher Directions
Student Recording Sheet
Directions: Print, cut out and laminate the magic “e” stars and attach to craft sticks with tape or glue.
Print out the short CVC word cards, cut apart and laminate.
Place cards around the room. Students must read the words, hold the wand up to the word cards and cover the star with the magic e, and reread the new CVCE word they see.
Students can record their words on the recording sheet.
Optional: You can use the smaller magic “e” stars to continue the activity as a table game or center making nonsense CVC words into long vowel CVCE words. Font is Century Gothic.
The set of punctuation posters will dress up your room for back to school, and serve as reminders to your student when they are writing. Includes posters for the following types of punctuation, including ones with U.K. terminology, as well:
Period - Full Stop
Question mark
Exclamation point - Exclamation mark
Quotation marks - Speech marks
Parentheses - Brackets
Each poster has the name of the punctuation mark, a picture representing it, and a little blurb about how it is used. You can print out (Sized 8 1/2 X 11, but you can enlarge) or project on your whiteboard or Smartboard for a lesson.
- Greg Smith
Use this set of writing process posters to give your students a little reminder of what to do during writer's workshop. These writing posters can be used as clip charts, or as classroom decor in your writing center. Ready for back to school! Explains the writing process - Prewrite, Write, Revise, Edit, Evaluate, and Publish. - Greg Smith
Get your students motivated and inspired with these Growth Mindset posters. 7 different posters, each in color and black and white. Includes a beautiful "I Have A Growth Mindset" tree, "Try Thinking...Instead of...", and five posters with inspirational messages. I hope these posters will be motivational reminders for your students to keep trying and never give up. Size 81/2 x 11. You may enlarge if you wish. Great for centers or hang by computers or other work areas. Thank you.
- Greg Smith
Writing - How to Write for Different Situations. The slides are short summaries of how to write in different situations. Students can use these guides to help them write in a variety of ways. You may wish to use these as reference sheets to put in interactive notebooks or writing journals. You can also print these out, laminate, and make into posters for your writing center. The instruction guides can also be projected on an overhead when you want students to refer to them while they are working. You can also print these out on index cards (adjust your printer settings before you print), and make into a little reference book which can be laminated and stored on a ring for a writing center.
How to Write Effective Paragraphs
How to Compose a Paragraph of Comparison or Contrast
How to Write a Book Report
Research: How to Choose and Limit a Topic
Research: How to Take Notes Efficiently
Research: How to Write a Topic Outline
Research: How to Write a Research Report
Research: How to Write a Bibliographic Entry for a Book or Encyclopedia
How to Write a News Article
How to Write Explanations or Give Directions
How to Conduct and Report an Interview
How to Write a Friendly Letter
How to Write a Business Letter
Editing Checklist
Reading Genres Posters...posters for your classroom, media center, or school to support your reading program.
Includes posters for the following genres:
Realistic Fiction
Traditional Literature
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Education is the pathway to the future. Reading is fun! - Greg Smith